Friday, 29 May 2009

You are precious in my eyes and I love you!

By Revd Ian Galloway, Convener of Church of Scotland’s Church and Society Council has written a passionate defense of the Christian approach to end-of-life issues.

"You are precious in my eyes and I love you”. This could be the refrain of a popular love song, but it is not; it comes from the Hebrew Scriptures (Isaiah 43:4) and is one of the foundations to understanding a Christian approach to end-of-life issues. How can honour and love be at the heart of the euthanasia debate? A Christian understanding of the value of human life derives from the belief that we are made in the image of God and that God loves, honours and respects us. There is something of the sacred within each one of us. This perspective on the value of human life has particular consequences in our ageing population where there are inevitably scarce resources available to take care of the aged, the frail and the infirm. Medical advances, life-supporting technology and pharmacological solutions have increased life expectancy and the expectation of cure to the point that illness and death are perhaps less accepted as part of normal human experience.

The full article is printed in the Interfaith Matters newspaper which is the organ of the Edinburgh Interfaith Association, EIFA. The full newspaper can be downloaded here.
Reverend Galloway's article was "in print" about the same time that Margo MacDonald MSP put forward a Proposed End of Life Choices Bill to the Scottish Parliament. Since then the end of life debate has grown across the country.

On the other hand a different approach to dealing with difficult end of life issues has been proposed by Roseanna Cunningham. She presented a Proposed Palliative Care (Scotland) Bill
The Proposed Palliative Care Bill and the Proposed End of Life Choices (Scotland)Bill and can both be viewed and downloaded at the Scottish Parliament's website.
If you have any comments on the article or on any aspects of these issues please express your comments right here on the blog.


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  1. This is a great site. These issues very interesting and extremely important. From an American standpoint, I can see some differences between the European and U.S stance on these matters... I'll bookmark the page into my blog if that's alright with you.

  2. Thank you very much. Do let other people know about our approach. You can follow us on Twitter, or you can Digg our posting so that other people might be familiar with the Scottish and European approach.
